Hi witches. Imbolc is almost here... so as usual here the post with some info about it, how to celebrate, correspondences and more. Hope you'll find it useful.

Imbolc is one of the four major sabbats better known as the "festival of light", also called by the names: Imbolc, Inbolc, Imbolg, Candlemas, Candlemas, Feast of Candles, Feast of Torches, Oimelc, Lupercus, Lupercalia, Feast of Pan , Brigantia, Feriae Sementinae, Juno Februata. On this day we celebrate Nature as it prepares for its next explosion, the first shoots begin to appear on the trees, despite the cold still present, the days are gradually lengthening.
The meaning of the word Imbolc has different interpretations, for some it is: "in the womb", for others it is "great rain", according to others it means "sheep's milk" in fact this is the season in which the sheep begin to produce milk.
The Celts celebrated Imbolc in honour of the goddess Brigit, goddess of Wisdom, Fire and the hearth and they celebrated it as a feast of Light, celebrating her return after the winter darkness.
The Christians replaced this figure with Saint Bridget, who probably never existed and they celebrate this day to which they have given the name of "candelora".
One of the instruments sacred to Brigit is the cup, symbol of the womb, which, exactly as it happens for the Earth, begins to ferment, contains all Nature in incubation which will wake up vigorously in the coming months.
Candles are the main tools of this holiday, symbolising the Sunlight which will become stronger and stronger.
Imbolc is the “beginning” of spring. The snow and ice are still present, but the sun, represented by the young God, becomes stronger and stronger.
Ritual activities: cleansing, renewal, rebirth, re-organisation
Colours: white, green, yellow, red, orange
Stones: amethysts, garnets, aventurine, moonstone and heliotrope.
Drinks: milk, honey, mead, drinks derived from these two products, spiced wines
Incense: musk, cinnamon, rosemary
Oils: jasmine, carnation, sandalwood
Herbs: musk, cinnamon, rosemary, angelica, calendula, laurel, basil, lavender, myrrh and sesame.
Food: all the homemade ones made with milk
Gods: Brigid first, then all the virgin goddesses and the gods of fertility and prosperity
Symbols: candles, cups, candle crowns, brooms, white flowers, snowflakes

- Generally cleaning of our homes is done in spring, because this is the time of purification and we will use it to definitively remove the old and the negative that could be an obstacle for the new year and the new initiatives that we will go to undertake.
- Let's get rid of old habits, old ideas, preconceptions, our negative sides of character.
- Build a crown with straw or branches where you will then glue 13 white candles that between the night of 1st and 2nd of February you will light up for the whole night
- Take a candle, write in a note something about your character that you want to get rid of, burn it on the flame of the candle and scatter the ashes near a large tree
- Purify your home with a lot of sandalwood incense ... write a rite of purification and protection and go around the house reciting it and raising the incense stick
- Admire the sunrise
- Light up a lot of white candles around the house in honour of Brigid
- If you have clothes that you do not use, do a selection during the night and then donate everything the following morning to those who need them most
- Open the windows of the house, let the sun light your house
- During dinner, fill the table with candles, it would be better if you put Brigid's crown on it
- Go around nature and photograph all the first signs of spring, print the photos and collect everything in a photo album, even a small one, where you will also write the memories of this holiday
- Purify the house of negative entities and energy with your broom (not the one for cleaning, but the one you use in rituals)
- Write a poem yourself for the gods to thank them for everything
How to decorate the altar
- Decorate the altar with something that represents snow, such as a crystal, a white flower or even real snow.
- Orange or brown candles with the following herbs or essences: Musk, Cinnamon, Rosemary.
- Melt the snow and use it for rituals by blessing it with silver
- White tablecloth
- Maybe adorn the altar with some flowers
- Have a little lunch with a milk and honey cake and some mead thanking the gods
- Light the sandalwood incense
- It would be more appropriate to be able to celebrate outside so that you can create the circle with snow
...and how you like to celebrate it? Which are your favourite rituals? Let me know below :D
Blessed be